Wednesday, December 21, 2005


The Family Law Take Home is printing right now. I just have to drive it to school, not get in an accident (knock on wood) and hand it in at records and registration. Then I'm coming home and shall start drinking wine, if all goes well I should have a nice buzz going by around 1:00 p.m.

Ohh, and Yeah, I'm 1/2 done with LAW School. However, I am far from being 1/2 an attorney.


The Namby Pamby said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, thanks for not saying "I'm half a lawyer" (which probably most practicing attorneys are) and I hope that soon, wine has put you in a state of confusion, but never hysteria.

Phrontist said...


Anonymous said...

I'm having a beer (or 5) to celebrate your half-done-ness. Congrats!