Saturday, January 21, 2006

Changing Teams?

I had a date tonight. It made me think that Barely Legal Mike is right and I should consider dating women.

First, he asked where I wanted to go. I said it didn't really matter. When he asked what I was in the mood for I said italian food sounded really good (I'd been craving it).

He took me to a bar that had about 4 things on the menu (none of which were italian at all). The waitresses all wore the same black ruffle skirt that was about an inch long (I don't know why but I HATE ruffle shirts), THIGH HIGH BLACK LEG WARMERS, and then black shoes and tops of their choosing. Honestly, if that's what you want to look at while you're on a date with me the least you can do is take me to a strip club so I'm expecting it. Ohh, the added bonus was that there really wasn't anything on the menu I could eat, now that I've been diagnosed with an ulcer (another reason italian was practical since nothing would aggravate my stomach too badly).

There was also a dress code which consisted of: No Hats, No Jerseys, and No Medallions (I kid you not).

There was one bonus (outside of his being too busy staring at the waitress' ass to stare at my chest), there was a dessert store right next to the restaurant and he asked if I wanted to get something there. Lucky for me they were closing and told us we had to get our stuff to go. So now I'm sitting in bed, blogging and eating this:

At least it wasn't all bad.