Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Elle Woods Salute to Sobriety

In honor of tonight being the biggest bar night of the year I thought I'd take some time to reflect on why it might not be the worst thing in the world that even if I go out I won't be able to imbibe any alcohol. We all do stupid things once "drunk logic" prevails, these people took it to the extreme.

First we have the French woman who tried to open an airplane door mid-flight to have a smoke. Most people would just light up in the cabin if it was that important to them to have a cigarette, and while your fellow passengers might be annoyed by your smoking in the cabin I think they'd all still rather you do that then open the flight doors at a few thousand feet.

Next is the German man who set his apartment on fire trying to dry his bed. Why was his bed wet? Well, apparently even at the age of 60 this man isn't what we like to call "housebroken".

And last but not least there is the man who cut off his testicles because Wales won a rugby game. I don't know which part of the story is funnier; the fact that he pulled them out of the toilet and put them in a bag and went to a "social club" to show his friends or whether he thinks he'll be able to adopt one day; something tells me that if there is a mental health screening he might not pass it. I will conceed that nowhere in this article does it say that the man was drunk, but I think it's a given if he's watching rugby that he's drinking.

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