Saturday, December 17, 2005

What do you mean brought it bowling, Dude? I didn't rent it shoes. I'm not buying it a f*cking beer. He's not taking your f*cking turn, Dude.

Elle Woods: Have Mom and Dad made you take a piss test yet?

Brother: Nope

Elle Woods: At least if they actually do it this time you'll be ok. Unlike when they were threatening it and you were all "Can I score some of your piss?" to [The Dude]. Mom apparently thinks you are again because you were hanging out with [Friend] at [bowling alley]*, like you did a lot last year when you were smoking.

Brother: Honestly, WTF. [Friend] and 3 of the 4 people I was with are on a bowling team. I mean, she didn't say anything to me. All Dad said was "I don't trust [Friend]." So I told him [Friend] is on probation.

Elle Woods: For future reference, telling Dad a friend of yours is on probation might not be the best way to get Dad to trust him...Just a thought.

*I need to note that I find it very odd that my brother was at a bowling alley to begin with, and even more odd that [Friend] is on a bowling team since he's a spoiled rich kid who drives a Range Rover on 22's.

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