Saturday, February 4, 2006

It's a Small World After All

Much like The Hot Librarian I never knew the "White and Blue Sand Things" had a name, and that name is "Magic Window".1 I'm so glad she was able to clear that up for me.

Anywho, I never knew anyone else even knew what a "Magic Window"2 was, let alone that they came with a stand. The point here is, not only did I too play with the "Magic Window"** when I was a youngin', when I moved into my grandparents house I had 2 options:

  1. Fight the 70's decorating and replace all the wicker furniture (the wicker furniture is just in my room, not throughout the whole house) the puke green shag carpeting (that is through the most of the house) and the yellow walls; OR
  2. I could go with it, embrace it, and turn my room into a "Trendy" (I hate that word I have no idea why) take on 70's design. There are ocean pictures, orange curtains, brightly colored bedding, weird lamps, and assorted old "nick-nacks".

Plus I figured if all else failed I could film throw-back porno's here.

So when I moved in I found the old "Magic Window's" and figured I could use them in my decor as an effort to embrace the '70's I knew I had to work them in somehow. Apparently I decided "somehow" meant in front of the weird sculpture that my uncle made on the dresser in front of the Indian (dots not feathers) wall hanging my grandparents got when they went to India...OBVIOUSLY. It doesn't look as cracked out as it does in this picture.

So without further ado, I present to you Exhibit A:

1 I had to check so make sure it wasn't spelled "Majic Window"-doesn't it seem like that's how the new fangled toys of today would be spelled...But no, it's just "Magic Window" nice and simple. I totally agree with with THL, I long for days when a plastic disk filled with "sand" was something kids fought over...ohh man, those were the days.
2 Ok, well don't you think that the Magic Window people, in some crazy scheme in order to make a profit, MADE MORE THAN ONE MAGIC WINDOW?