Monday, October 30, 2006


Have I been posting less? I feel I've been posting less. Lucky for you I'm not about to embark on a P.E.D.E. like The Hot Librarian. Nobody wants that.

The long and the short. School sucks. I have a Summary Disposition Motion (and Brief in Support) due Wednesday which I've barely worked on. I realized today that it was going to be a A LOT more work than my previous estimates had led me to believe. Normally I'd just not work tomorrow, but [Hours] has a presentation he's giving this weekend (read: I do all the research, create the powerpoint and the handouts for the presentation and he gets to copyright it and put it on his resume) and he's made me swear on my life that I'd be in tomorrow.

Currently [Hours] and I are in an epic power struggle. I refused to do some work which I was morally against and ever since then he's been on a quest to teach me that "the only thing that is important in my life is what comes out of his mouth." Therefore I've been on a quest to be as defiant as I possibly can be while still giving him the illusion that I'm submitting to him in order to keep the workplace environment less hostile. It's a very healthy relationship we're cultivating.

Plus I'm realizing that I can't leave my job since:

  1. I'd lose my bonus, which would be sad. Stupid me for saving all my monthly bonuses for meeting my hours until the end of the year.
  2. I'm a 3L who is graduating in May. Nobody will want to hire me.

I wish I had stuff to write about, but in reality school is the same (law students are still socially inept, nothing is going to change there) and work has gotten to a point where if I blogged about what was happening it would be very clear it was me since [Hours] has gotten so out of hand. La Di Da.

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