Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Gratuitious Post About Leonardo DiCaprio

Lately I've spent a lot of time pondering a very important question. When did Leonardo DiCaprio get hot?

Exhibit A:


Best I can figure, based on my scientific analysis of his imdb profile, the phenomenon took somewhere between Titanic and Gangs of New York. Before Catch Me if You Can the only movies I could even stomach him in were What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Basketball Diaries, and Romeo and Juliet. The first two I attribute to the fact that he wasn't being passed off as a sex symbol, the latter I attribute to my love of Claire Danes. Them suddenly during Catch Me if You Can I found myself saying, "wow this is a really long movie and I don't hate Leo." My best guess is that he finally went through puberty, but I'm wondering if I'm the only person who used to think he was ugly and whiney but in recent years has found him to be not only sexy but kinda a good actor.


The Bearded Professor said...

Where's that picture from? What has he been in with Jed Bartlett, er Martin Sheen?

The Bearded Professor said...

Never mind. Figured it out myself. Google is a wonderful thing.

Anonymous said...

I always thought he was a great actor, right from Gilbert Grape on. I also loved him in Marvin's Room, a little known Woody Allen film called Celebrity, Basketball Diaries, Total Eclipse, CMIYC, and The Aviator. He was awesome on The Departed and Blood Diamond. He was always cute and goodlooking but I think now that he's fully grown and got some maturity in his face, he's sexy as hell.

Ookami Snow said...

I will say that I like him in Gangs of New York, and it is actually one of my favorite movies.

j said...

I completely agree. Leo got hot. Have you seen Blood Diamond yet? It's one of my favourite movies. You should check it out if you haven't already seen it.

Elle Woods said...

I just watched Blood Diamond, he was even hotter in that than in The Departed.

Leonardo Lover! said...

Okay.He was definitely the cutest in Titanic considering his hair was slicked back[hot]and he was totally worker boy 3rd class[also very hot].I only saw this movie last Friday and fell in love.Literally,I cannot stop thinking about him and how much I would've LOVED to be in Kate Winslet's place in that movie!He is so hott and I cannot beleive he changed his hair after the movie.shame too.