Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Activism...or as I Call it, the Most Pointless Hunger Strike in the History of the World.

I'm so glad someone from my generation1 has decided to take a tough stance on an important political issue and went on a hunger strike. I have never and will never understand the cult following of American Idol. I find it rather scary that more people vote for the next American Idol than for President.

I hesitate to link to the actual MySpace page here, but I will for "journalistic integrity."

1Yup, she's the same age as I am.


Another Asian Law Student said...

i laughed at the footnote.

Ookami Snow said...

well isn't American Idol more important than government affairs?

Although it would be kinda fun to vote for President in this manner...

madlawblogger said...

I think Mitch Hedberg was on the right track when he said: "I'm against protesting, but i don't know how to show it."