Thursday, April 12, 2007

"It's the End of an Era"

Last day of classes. For some reason I am on call, since apparently I'm supposed to "care" and "be able to focus" enough to read 13 pages about charitable trusts.

I guess I should be excited but with unemployment and bar review hanging over my head it's hard to be anything other than discouraged and depressed.


Another Asian Law Student said...

chin up!!

Liz said...

Yeah. I can't get much done either.

Sheila Rambeck said...

I remember my last day of classes last year. Enjoy it. Studying for the bar is a pain, but you'll do fine (as long as you study your butt off).

Howie Awesome said...

This has nothing to do with your last day of class but I was reading Woo's blog there and there was a peeping tom in the first floor womens john?

That's awesome! Was this dude wearing jean shorts and glasses?

That Guy said...

Congrads Elle.

Anonymous said...

Hey babe...

Can you do a little post about this

For old times?