Friday, July 8, 2005

Friday Spies ©

As always, brought to you by the gang at BTQ...

1. Tropical Storm Cindy and Hurricane Dennis are causing trouble in the Southeast this week. Share a natural disaster story.

I decided to go to law school, that’s my natural disaster story.

2. What is your favorite work of art?

It's cliche I know...but probably this...

Or maybe this...(also cliche)

They both remind me of the first class I took that I learned anything about art in and they were my favorite 2 paintings we studied. I was a teachers aide for the teacher that taught it, he got me prints of both of them when he went on a trip to Europe. He knew I loved them and I still have the prints hanging on my wall.

3. Do you squeeze the toothpaste tube from the middle or the bottom?

The bottom, and ok, I’ll admit it…I have a Toothpaste Tube Winder, I got it free from work and I love how neat it keeps everything...Mock if you must, but my teeth obessesion is well documented and I doubt you except any less of me.

Update: I came across this tonight and while I was shocked enough to find out that someone else idolized Elle Woods as much as I do and that she's ACTUALLY a lawyer I was even more shocked to realize we both use tube winders.

4. What is your favorite "cult" film?

My Co-Worker called Napoleon Dynamite a cult classic the other day so if it’s being considered one then I’d have to choose that one. I’m not really into cult films, so the next closest thing would have to be The Big Lebowski...Also not really a cult movie but the way some of my friends are about it I feel like it is...But hey, that's just like, my opinion man.

5. Would you go into space if given the chance? Where would you go?

I can’t get onto an airplane without 4 drinks in me so I don’t think space is really the thing for me.


Shawn Anderson said...

"The Big Lebowski" is definitely a cult classic. Wiki says it is, so it must be right?

Wiki knows all...

Blonde Justice said...

Wow, great blog! I love the color scheme!!!

Elle Woods said...

Ohh I'm so glad you like!

Shawn Anderson said...

whoah, I'm seeing double...

Anonymous said...

Deleting comments again? naughty, naughty, "free speech" defender...

You're a dishonest law student.

Elle Woods said...

I feel like saying "dishonest law student" is saying the same thing twice...Plus there's nothing dishonest about deleting comments WHEN I ADMIT I DO IT!