Thursday, November 3, 2005

"I'd say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work."

I found out my billable hour requirement for the new job. It's 100 hours a month.

Now, that doesn't seem to bad. Until you think about the fact that I work 3 days a week (and I said I would come in on weekends when I had a ton of stuff). So that's between 96 and 120 hours in the office each month. Which still doesn't sound so bad, until I tell you that I also have to do administrative work that isn't billable.

Plus, everytime I go to my bosses office he tells me to sit down, he starts talking to me about medical stuff, and then he takes a phone call and wastes 20 minutes of my time (I've already started taking cases with me so I can pull them out when he takes a phone call).

I have realized that being a lawyer is all about being ADD and not being medicated for it (which is so me). It's abotu being able to bill multiple things at once and multitasking your ass off. Luckily, I think I can handle that. The work however, I'm not too sure about.

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