Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Super Exciting Post About My Fish!

Being that I was on call in Conflicts today, I was about to crack open the books nice and early this morning, but then I realized I could procrastinate by cleaning Bruiser the Betta's fish bowl (not that it was dirty at all). Tragically, it was cracked and I had to run to the pet store and find something new. I'd been pondering getting something a bit bigger, and getting Bruiser some friends. Long boring story "short" I got convinced to by a 5 gallon Hexagon Tank...

Being that the new tank was HUGE I decided Bruiser needed some friends, so I got:

2 Tetra's, one who whom Bruiser chases around the tank so I've decided to name him Leslie (after the Senator's dog who Bruiser has homosexual relations with in Red, White and Blonde); the other named La Toya.

2 White Cloud's named Tito and Jermaine. (These names are courtesy of Mike from Barely Legal).

And last but not least the cutest bottom feeders they had, 2 Albino Catfish. One named Michael and the other named Geoffrey Feiger.

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