Monday, May 15, 2006


2 things today really got to me.

  1. What moronic advisor of our even more genius President seems to think interrupting May Sweeps (i.e.-Grey's Anatomy) would be a good idea? Here's a thought...Your approval rating is under 40%, do you really think interrupting one of the most popular shows on television is going to help that? These are Lazy American's we're talking about. Sure the part you will most likely be interrupting aired last night, but some of us wanted to see it again since we could not believe Izzy's insanity or how Addison flipped out in the middle of the hospital, not to mention the ending, you know, the thing with Burke. So help me, if you run into the 9 o'clock hour and I miss anything new on Grey's Mr. President, I will vote for Hillary in '08, despite my proclamations against such an act.
  2. Consolidation of my Loans, all things considered, I did not have as much in loans as I thought I had, which was a bonus. However, this meant I didn't qualify for an extended repayment plan. Ergo, large monthly payments. Sweet. I also liked it when you made me waive my grace period to be able to qualify for consolidation...Nothing like starting to pay back loans while I'm not working for 3 months since I'm studying for and taking the bar.

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