Friday, December 8, 2006


I've finally been asked to join the blogger beta revolution. Which I did, without much thought. I suppose I might as well make the most of it and tag my posts over the course of the next few weeks. Not like I should be studying.

Update: Beta rejected my template. It was sad. No word on if I'll keep the old one or not. In the haste to get something up other than plain white I had to redo my link list. If I missed you let me know, even if you weren't up before.


The Namby Pamby said...

beta doesnt like me

Elle Woods said...

That's ok, I don't like beta.

stephenb said...

ooh, will you link to me?

Susie Law School said...

I was up there but I'm not anymore...

Elle Woods said...

I didn't like it at first, now I've gotten the hang of it and I like it. I suppose the coolest feature is being able to change your template easier, however I am ok with HTML so that wasn't a huge perk-and the cookie cutter formatting they use to allow you to change it seemed limited at the state-now I'm ok with it.

The Bearded Professor said...

thanks for the link

Nic said...

Hey Elle;

Can you link to me please.



T.P.E. said...

Looks like you've got everything back together with Beta. I'm not a huge fan, either. Anyway, hook me up on the blog roll if you don't mind.


Also, I'm now a huge fan of the new winehouse album.

Nic said...

I'm thinking of upgrading my template - can you tell me if it lost all your links and things?



Elle Woods said...

If you change from a non-blogger template I would think you'd lose them, I hate to say.