Friday, August 3, 2007

Wedding Questions...

How long do you have to have been dating someone before it becomes fair-game to ask them to attend a wedding with you? I have a few weddings this fall and at least one of them I'm sure I'll get an "and guest" for. These are the first of my friends to get married so I'm rather new to all this.

Also, is it worse to be the "single girl" or to go with someone who doesn't know anyone else there? I suppose that question depends on the person and how clingy they will be.


divine angst said...

Bring a guest if:

1) You are dating and you think it might last more than a few months. Don't be the girl who gets asked in six months "what happened to that guy you brought to so-and-so's wedding" and then you have to explain that you only went on four dates with him.

2) You don't know many of the other guests at the wedding and you'll need someone you already know to talk to, dance with, etc. If you know the bride and groom, the entire wedding party, and some of the bride or groom's family, and the guy isn't serious, you will not have much fun having to usher him around when you'd rather be hanging out with your friends and catching up.

That's pretty much it. Basically, brides and grooms add "and guest" to their single friends' invitations for those reasons and those reasons only: they want to meet the guy you're serious about or they don't want you to be totally bored since the wedding is full of their parents' friends and colleagues.

Liz said...

If you don't feel comfortable asking him yet, my guess is maybe it hasn't been long enough.

Otherwise, though, I agree with the rules above. If he's someone they'll see again, if you don't know anyone else there...

angela said...

divine angst said it better than I could.

Matthew said...

As someone who has gotten married I third divine angst.