Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Note on my blogroll:

I try to update it as frequently as possible and I try to link to sites that link to me (I also link to blogs that I read even if they don't link to me). If I realize someone is linking to me and I don't have a link I generally check out their site and if it's good reading I'll add a link (just because you link to me and I haven't linked to you doesn't mean I didn't like your site-it probably means I haven't realized you link to me since I don't think I haven't added a site yet).

That said, if I've missed you let me know...I'll check out your site and most likely add a link. I read all the blogs I link to, since I:

  1. Like to know what's going on with people are nice enough to read my blog
  2. Like to know what I'm recommending
  3. Usually people who link to me have WAY cooler blogs then I do anyway
In a completely unrelated note: I'm sorry for having such a negative tone the past few days. I have been dealing with a lot of stuff, all of which is my own fault, and therefore I've been being extremely hard on myself and I'm kinda down.

In short: I'm not getting along with my family, my personal life is f*cked up, and with everything else going on I'm having trouble tricking myself into thinking law school isn't that bad (I'm also realizing I'm kinda screwed in at least 2 classes)-which makes me more bitter.

Hopefully it'll all blow over and I'll manage to get over my boy troubles, but until then expect overly sappy posts as my version of therapy.

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