Monday, December 5, 2005

"How can you diagnose someone with an obsessive compulsive disorder, then act like I have some choice about barging in here?"

Someone recently suggested I go check a book out of the library regarding dealing with stress. At first I said I couldn't since I'm SUPER busy studying for exams (ok, so I have yet to start). Then I realized what my real issue was and why I was making excuses. I hate libraries. I think it's really germy to turn the pages since I have no idea what the people who read it previously were like and if they washed their hands or if they took it into the bathroom.

Do I use my elbow to get paper towel from the old dispensers that you need to push the lever down on? Yes. Do I want to shake the hand of the person who invented automatic flushers, sinks, and paper towel dispeners? Yes, since I'm pretty sure they'd be OCD as well and as such would have clean hands. Do I carry my paper towel out to the door and use it to open the handle? Yes. Do I have hand sanitizer on my key chain? Yes. Do I realize this behavior is somewhat Obsessive Compulsive? Yes. Am I on my way to the book store to buy the book rather then the library? I think it's safe to go with "Yes" here as well.


RedHerring45 said...

Plus libraries are smelly...

charlsiekate said...

I don't mind libraries - for some reason I don't think about that sort of thing - but the one thing that grosses me out the most is second hand smoke.

When you breathe in second hand smoke, you are breathing in smoke that has just recently been in someone else's lungs. And this really grosses me out.

Maybe I'm the only one who looks at it that way - but what ev. All the little particles of the smoke are contaminated not only by carcenigens - which I can deal with - but also from being in someone elses lungs - which I can't deal with.

Horrible thought, I know, I apologize for sharing.

Elle Woods said...

I'll try to not direct my 2nd hand smoke at you.