Friday, December 2, 2005

My Biggest Pet Peeve

is People who use more or less then 3 periods when continuing a thought as such...(Damn what is the little 3 period thing called? I used to know what it was called in High School but then I went to college and got "smart" (read: killed brain cells) and I can't remember what it's called).

When people just use 2 I'm always like, "Do they have an extra period in there? Is that just the end of a sentence? What is going on?"

And when people use too many I'm like, "Thanks I just spent time reading periods and I will never get that time back!" (Much like you will never get back the time spent reading my SUPER AWESOME BLOG).

My other Pet Peeves are (in no particular order):

  1. Not knowing how to do superscript so I can do footnotes on blogger instead of having to use asterisks.
  2. Not knowing how to do strikethrough on blogger, man I could be SO funny if I only knew how to do strike through.

So if anyone out there can help me with any of these pet peeves or let me know what the title of "..." is I would greatly appreciate it.


Anonymous said...

The three periods are an ellipsis. It is supposed to symbolize a pause in thought.

Elle Woods said...

OHH I SO KNEW THAT! Thanks for reminding me.

meg said...

the code for crossing out text in blogger is < strike > strike text < /strike > (without the spaces though)

it is definitely oh-so fun to use!

Anonymous said...

so tell me....exactly how long did it take you to read that extra period?

Elle Woods said...

It's not the time it takes me to read one...It's the time it takes to me to read it when people act like their finger is glued to the period button.

Ok, I know someone knows how to do superscript. Not you. You, yeah you!

ES said...

I so totally heart the ellipsis. I can't help it...I think it makes my writing sound much more like the way I talk in real life, which is essentially one extremely long, loud, run-on sentence with absolutely no pauses for grammar...or breathing. My readers have probably learned to tune them out.

Elle Woods said...

HAHA, that is why I love them too...I also love parathesis since in real life I'm always pausing and explaining myself and going off on some weird tangent.

Ohh, and expect about 87 posts out of me today kiddo's...I've made the decision to not study...BIG SHOCKER, I KNOW!

Anonymous said...

Glad I could help with the brain fart. They happen to me all the time.

Don't you hate it when you know something but you can't recall the specific word? I've had times where hours later I'll blurt out what I was trying to remember, usually at the most inappropriate time. I can't wait to see what Alzheimer's does to me.

RedHerring45 said...

I use extra punctation cumpusively...

I can't stop...

I don't know why...

Is there a three step program for that???