Through the Looking Glass
Today I realized that I should probably go buy books, to the tune of $507.90. What really hurt was that outside of the days I'm "On Call" this term I most likely will never open them. So this girl who is literally the definition of Gunner is in the aisle buying her books also. She's a nice enough person besides always sitting in the front of the class practically yelling "PICK ME! PICK ME!" So of course I had to say hello, and lucky for me, she had the book list which I did not (go figure). I found all my books except for Professional Responsibility, of course I went into helpless girl mode and asked the gunner for help. After we both searched the shelves twice she realized it might be over with the first year books since it's also a required class, and of course, there it sat.
Despite being overly helpful I next noticed her doing something which personifies why people hate lawyers (actually I suppose my bosses behavior is a better example of that) and law students. She was checking the bindings on all her books, holding the ends together and comparing them because apparently her books so much wear and tear (presumably from reading them) that they fall apart. The look I gave her was somewhere between fright and shock when she explained what she was doing to me. I then commented that they wouldn't fall apart if she didn't read them, she returned me the same look I'd just given her.